Harnessing digital and AI to transform how medicines are developed, made and supplied to patients

澳门葡京网赌游戏雄心勃勃,计划到2030年实现800亿美元的总收入, together with an expected 20 new medicines while driving towards net zero emissions, Global 操作 is pioneering disruptive digital technologies and artificial intelligence (AI) to build world-class supply chains and transform the way our new modalities and medicines are developed, 制造并供应给病人.

Our digital transformation began several years ago when we started our journey towards a ‘Smart Future’ –a smart network of smart factories, 拥有高技能和精通数字技术的聪明员工. 建立在澳门葡京赌博游戏的精益基础上,简化和高效的流程, we implemented core technology platforms and digital tools to automate and optimise these processes across our global supply network to accelerate value.

实时数据可视化的应用, advanced analytics tools and paperless solutions gave us end-to-end visibility of demand, 库存, order status and process performance to optimise medicines development and commercial production. Enhanced data capabilities enabled us to connect and synchronise our production sites to deliver more medicines to millions of patients worldwide whist significantly reducing our carbon footprint.


表彰澳门葡京赌博游戏世界级的数字化转型, we are delighted that two of our most advanced manufacturing sites in China and Sweden have been awarded World Economic Forum (WEF) Global Lighthouse Network status. These sites join a community of other manufacturers across industry sectors that are pioneering the use of Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) technologies such as AI and big data analytics to drive productivity, 提高效率, 支持劳动力增长和环境保护.

Achieving 世界经济论坛全球灯塔网络 status is a rigorous multi-stage process that spans several years, 并且需要整个站点的协调一致的努力. It involves demonstrating leadership in implementing 4IR technologies at scale while making significant financial, 操作, 可持续性的改进. Our applications were meticulously assessed by a committee of experts who visited our sites in Wuxi and Södertälje to see firsthand how we are implementing these digital technologies, 以及澳门葡京赌博游戏为公司带来的价值.

We are thrilled to welcome two of AstraZeneca’s manufacturing sites to the 世界经济论坛全球灯塔网络, 这是全球最负盛名、最严格的奖项之一, with only 22 sites in 2024 across various sectors and only four from the pharmaceutical industry. This recognition highlights AstraZeneca’s excellence in scaling advanced digital technologies to deliver greater value for patients globally. 全球灯塔网络促进跨行业学习, and we look forward to collaborating with AstraZeneca to inspire further innovation in digital transformation

奥尔古德Kiva Head, Centre for Advanced Manufacturing and Supply Chains, World Economic Forum

澳门葡京赌博游戏很荣幸加入世界经济论坛全球灯塔网络. 我为澳门葡京赌博游戏在中国和瑞典的团队感到无比自豪, 在澳门葡京赌博游戏的全球供应链中, for their leadership and leverage of advanced digital technologies to bring our life-changing medicines to millions of patients globally. 澳门葡京赌博游戏不断创新, 颠覆性技术和建立新能力, helping to deliver industry-leading growth while driving us towards our ambition of a net zero carbon footprint.

Pam程 全球运营执行副总裁 & IT,首席可持续发展官,澳门葡京网赌游戏

在中国, we transformed our manufacturing site in the city of Wuxi by implementing more than 30 digital tools and AI-powered solutions, 通过发展数字化和敏捷的员工队伍. 这有助于保持速度, 在日益复杂的环境中提高效率和质量, 增产55%, 缩短交货期44%, 将不完美批次减少80%, 生产力提高了54%. It is today independently ranked in the top 10% of more than 800 world class pharmaceutical sites in quality, 速度和效率.

澳门葡京赌博游戏的制造基地Södertälje, Sweden, we’ve pioneered the use of more than 50 digital solutions and upskilled the digital capabilities of 3,000名员工. 基于人工智能的数字孪生, 机器学习, process simulation and robotics has boosted productivity by 56% and reduced development lead times for launching new products by 67%. Södertälje accounts for 40% of AstraZeneca’s global production volume and is one of the largest pharmaceutical manufacturing sites in the world.

在通往2030年及以后的旅程中, our supply chain will continue to evolve to one that is not just ‘smart’ but truly ‘intelligent’. 在药物开发方面, we are already using AI technologies and predictive modelling to accelerate regulatory submission filings, 将撰写某些文档所需的时间减少85%. 在制造业, 智能生产基地将根据流量自我优化, enable right first-time manufacture and help us reduce the lead time needed to manufacture medicines for onward supply to our patients. Intelligent self-healing supply chains will enable us to maintain a flexible, 及时和不间断地向患者提供药物.